Me Cats Whisker Fell out!?

my cat was cleaning his face, and a whisker just kinda fell out. is that normal? he seems ok. should i be concerned?
No :) it's ok for them to occasionally lose whiskers, as they grow too long, but do not trim them or anything, they need them just as they are, for balance, touch and measurements :) so it's ok, it's got plenty more if you'll notice, small at the moment but growing.i have 4 cats and i could make a collection of whiskers :))
if it's not bleeding and the cat is not complaining it is probably just natural shedding don't worry.
Lol, cat's whiskers fall out all the time, just like normal hair. Keep it! They're good luck!
Normal. I find a stray whisker on the floor every now and again. I find it kind of cute. lol. They're fine. I got my cat shaved once and they cut off her whiskers! I thought for sure that was horrible, but they said they grow back and not to worry.. (I still don't think they should've cut her whiskers off, that's how cats get into tight spaces). Anyway, don't worry unless he starts going bald or something.
My first kitten was stalking a lighted candle, I didn't think she'd get close enough but before I could grab her her whiskers caught fire after her sudden pounce (thank god nothing more got burned). They grew back. So I'm not an expert but these things happen and they should grow back. But I'd be concerned if she gets bald spots on her fur.
Is it a kitten? maybe new ones are gonna grow in there place like kids and teeth
Hi there.cats whiskers will fall out from time to time because like human hair their follicles has become weak or just accidentally was plucked. Eventually, over time new whiskers will grow to replace what was lost. It's quite normal unless all of them fall out which then would require to see a vet.
A whisker is a specialized hair, and like hair, they fall out. There's no need to be alarmed.
Cats shed whiskers all the time - it is normal.

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