microchipping for pets?

what are the most commonly used microchip for pets??
Home again or AVID or other else please let me know
which one is better ..
AVID is the one with the most coverage, Home Again is not used outside the U.S. AVID is used by military veterinarian for pets of military personel in europe for this reason.
dont know to be honest - I didnt realise there was more than one - but IMO a vets wouldn't stock crap chips or else no one would buy them.

My Charly has one and touch wood hasn't needed to use it but they scan it in the vets when its inserted to check it works.
my cat has Home Again don't no the difference?
I use Home Again and they worked for me once and since then that is the only one that I would ever reccomend. Oh BTW English Bull Stolen out of my back yard. Retrieved in 5.5 hours.
My dogs are all AVID chipped and the rescue I work with uses AVID chips in all their dogs.
I'm not sure what our boys have it was done at the SPCA when we got them
There are at least 3 companies that I know of in use in the US. AVID, HomeAgain, and 24PetWatch. AVID and HomeAgain are expensive and require a registration fee to put your pet in their database, and also a fee to change your information if you move. 24PetWatch is much cheaper, but still a good product which can be read by the HomeAgain and AVID universal readers. Also, registration is free in the database, your vet can do it for you online if they use it, and, if your pets already have a chip from another company, those pets can also be registered in the database for free if your vet uses the chips. The company originated in Canada, but it becoming more popular in the states.
Home again is better for pets. If you want to microchip your pet, if you have one, you should microchip it with Home again.
I think the most commen brand of chip is the Avid chip. Atleast that is what most VETS in my area use. The humane society in my area uses the 24 Petwatch chip. I havent had a problem with the petwatch ones so far, but i do not have any experince with the AVID chips. Ask your vets office wich is better and what they would recommend.
There is no better or worse chip. They are both the same and do the same thing. It just depends on which one your vet uses.

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