Miniature cats?

when I was little I had a cat named Valerie, she never grew any bigger than a small kitten she had a bobbed tail and was a tiger striped cat. Is this a breed? She was a of the many strays that I have given a home. I would like to find a cat like this again since she passed away a few years ago.
i think your valerie might be small because of any incident that happened to her before you take her in.n since she was a stray cat, she might be malnourished n that cause her to stop from growing. the only bred for small kitty that i know r the munchkins.they are so small that could even fit in a cup.are they any other breed?
Ive seen those are they bob cats?
Awwwwwww! That sounds really cute. Wish you knew the breed. I'd like to know too.
They are called Teacup cats. Smaller than usual cats occur for several reasons - some genetic, some hormonal and some environmental. Dwarfism is a term which covers numerous conditions resulting in undersized individuals. It usually results from a combination of genetic factors and endocrine (hormone) malfunction. Some forms are caused by early injury e.g. physical damage to the pituitary or thyroid gland. Dwarf or stunted individuals can also result from malnutrition and chronic illness in early life.
There's really no such thing as a miniature cat. Your cat may have been naturally small (runt of the litter) and tailless (genetics, injury), but that's not a breed.
I know Munchkin cats are bred to have short, stubby legs, but that's the only intentionally "small" breed I know of.
It sounds like you had a delightful "runt," not a specific breed.

People have bred small cats deliberately, for money, because other people think they are cute. We think it is beyond awful that someone would deliberately breed away the features that make a cat unique. Whether you think God or evolution created the cat, it has long legs, whiskers, and all its other features for specific reasons related to its survival, not to amuse us.

The stunted-legged cats we've seen looked very unhealthy, and have no way to jump or frolic like regular cats. They would require special handling and could never be let outside, as they can't run, climb or jump to save themselves. Anyone owning one would be letting themselves in for heartbreak, as they are cute, they will be needy with medical problems, you will get attached to them, and then guess what. One day you have to make a hard decision about her quality of life. What was once so cute, is now crippling and painful for the animal.

Please please consider getting a delightful small cat from a rescue shelter. There are so many that need good homes. You can't replace the one you lost, but to save one in her memory would be a wonderful thing.

Good luck to you.

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