My 10 year old cat Rosie update and more help please.?

I have asked a few questions already and would like to thank all the people that have sent in answers to me, my cat rosie is still with us I think just about, I was advised by the PDSA to have her put down two weeks ago but brought her home and got a second opinion from a private vet, she had some test done she has a heart murmour and her kidneys are on border line she had some injections a lot of tests run and a course of antibiotics she has to have medicine before her food to help her keep it down. I am still awaiting results from the Feline Centre in Bristol where the vet sent her blood samples. She is at the moment quite weak and for the last two days not eaten but for the past fortnight she was almost her old self even started to wash herself, could not beleive it and now the last two days she has been off of her food I feel so bad making her take the medicine three times a day, but I can not give up on her unless I am told she is beyound help I wont. what do you think?
Rosie must eat if she is to survive. You can try some jarred baby food with her. Meat only - chicken and turkey are easiest on the stomach. It must NOT contain any onion or garlic powder. Feed her a few bites from your finger four or five times a day. Here in the US the vets have a canned food called a/d made by Hills company. Cats like that too and it is very high in nutrition for an ailing cat.

I hope all the tests prove that Rosie has something treatable and that she may recover and spend a lot more quality time with you.
I know that animals for me are my children but if the quality of life isn't there then it is not fair for you child to suffer. I am sorry but I would have put her down.
you sound like a great person and you apparently care a lot about the really need to let her rest, she does not sound happy.
I'm feeling very empathic for you.

I don't know the history of your last questions. Is she old? If not, then maybe she will come around.

Sometimes we hang on to our cats too long for our sake.

If she doesn't improve within a reasonable amount of time and seems to be getting worse, then for her sake don't let her suffer.

The medicine is probably the cause of lack of appetite. If she is drinking that is a plus. If she is not drinking get a cat water syringe to get water down her.

Have you asked the vet what he thinks about her recovery? If he is frank and honest and not after your money he will tell you.

You are a good cat mom. Best to you and her.
Like you said, if she has a chance without putting you into bankruptcy, then keep trying. However, if she continues to need constant veterinarian care after the course of treatment. You might not want to put her through repeated needles and treatments and let her rest. When I put my last cat down, he was purring, and the injection was very peaceful. He was 15 and had a tumor on his head. Just be reasonable for you and the cat. Don't keep Rosie alive if the quality of life is going to be constant doctor visits for the rest of her life. Good luck!
I do not know the history of your posts but I will comment on this one.

I do admire you for paying for all these tests to keep your cat alive but you need to think about how your cat feels. She is very old and her time will be coming no matter how many tests you do.

She is not eating, is very weak, hardly cleans herself - what if this were you and you were in pain and had to take medication 2 times a day, would you just want to go painless and happy with your loved one by your side? Or would you like to go in pain and knowing that the last monents you spent with your cat, you were at the vet waiting for blood results to come in?

Losing a cat, or any pet, is very hard. My cat died in June this year of Kidney failure, she was 13 years old. I did not want her to pass in pain. It was so hard to see my baby so weak, in so much pain, but it was the right thing to do.

Please, consider what your cat is going through, having these tests done, having medication on a daily basis. don't keep her alive just so she can live for an extra few weeks.

" my cat rosie is still with us I think just about, "
She doesn't want to be here in pain, put her down, be by her side, she will know that you love her and always will. She will pass with you by her side, that will be the best way to go.

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