My 2 year old cat is drooling alot.we gave her a seagull feather a few days ago. would this be the problem?

She still is active and is eating but drools. Is it possible she may have contracted some disease from the feathers? Or may have cut herself on the feathers which is causing her to have the excessive drool.
I would schedule a vet appointment. Your kittty may have gotten something stuck in it's mouth/throat that could be creating problems. If it has never done this before, it could be a sign of illness. There are many viruses that can be transmitted to cats through ingesting something they shouldn't. It could also be something related to her teeth like a broken one or infected one. If you care about your pet, got to the vet, as I always say. Better to know you just have a slobbery kitty than lose her.
i think your cat is dehydrated. lots of animals drool when they are thirsty. you should probably take her to the vet.
my (smaller) cat drools too. I asked my parents about this. They had a cat that drooled too. My cat does it when he's very happy. When I get into bed, he jumps up and lays down on my chest and wants lots of petting. This is when he drools the most. My parents say it's his say of showing his love.

I'd say dont worry. it's cute but gross.
could be feathers can carry large amts of bacteria and dz. Is she breathing ok. Sometimes drooling can be a sign of something caught in the throat and having diff breathing around it. Might want to get her to a vet.
Well just too be safe i would take her to the vet too make sure that your cat didn't have a reaction to the feather and to make sure that she didn't get any viruses from it..
hope i helped some!
Its possible the hard part of the feather may have lodged into the soft tissue of her palate or gums.I would have someone hold her ,wrapped in a towel to protect yourself,and with a gloved hand look inside her mouth and gums very closely for any evidence of foreign matter
Is the feather intact? I am wondering if part of the feather may have gotten caught in her back teeth or in the roof of her mouth. She may be drooling because of that. Just a thought.
If the cat did not drool BEFORE the feather, and drools SINCE the feather, then it is quite plausible the feather has had an influence on the cat's health.
My suggestion would be a visit to the vet (soon) for your drooling kitty, and make sure it continues to drink fluids and eat until then.
..maybe your moggy has overactive drool glands.this will make it extremely useful for washing your dads car with, as cat hair wont scratch the delicate paint-job.and you wont need to get a bucket of water every time you want to clean something!.
.at last you've discovered a use for wet cats..:}
Mine does too when I starch her head. Do you starch too?
take it to the vet! but until then, give it some more water, it somethings caught in the throat the water will help it get washed out. or if theres an infection, it will help keep more bacteria away.
no, she could have a rotten tooth, see your vet

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