My 2 year old cat has suddenly started to loose weight .?

Any ideas before i contact the vets.
Is he always hungry? It might be worms.
Best get it checked out, could be anything.
Could be diabetes. Weight loss or gain can be symptoms. I hope not though.

Good luck.
go to the vets immediatly. there are numerous reasons for an animal to loose weight and none of them are good.
I had this problem with my cat, took her to the vets and said it was due to thyroid problems. I would take her to the vets to be on the safe side.
Perhaps it's met a new Friend and is feeling a little chubby?
well the same happened to me!! so try getting natures diet for dogs! i know its wierd but im studing as a vet!
at 2 lots of reasons. Felv, Fiv, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, parasites, Bartonella,
Could be worms, diabetes, or thyroid problems but I would think he/she is too young for that.

See a vet.
Have you changed the diet lately? Different food? Different litter? If you answer no to these then read on.
There are a number of reasons pets can loose weight from Bacterial or viral infections to fleas. Your best bet is to schedule an appointment with the vet.
Yes, contact the vet.
You'll need a stool sample as it could be parasites.
The vet will need to do blood work and check for hyperthyroidism,diabetes and kidney disease.(to name a few)
I hope your kitty is ok.
Is he neutered? If not, he might lose weight for that reason.

Is he an outdoor cat? He could have picked up worms (or some other disease).

How much weight has he lost and how quickly? This will give us a clue if you need to see a vet, like NOW. If the weight loss is substantial in a short period of time, I would take him to a vet immediately.

Most of my answers will ultimately required a trip to the vet - to spay/neuter, for wormer (although you can buy a general wormer such as panacur over the internet), or to determine if there is something more serious wrong.
Decreased weight is a symptom of HUNDREDS of different problems that a 2 year old cat could get.speak with a vet.
Probably worms. Take it to the Vet in anyway in case it is anything more serious.
it mite not be eating properally or it may hav worms
take it to the vet. Do not try to diagnose the ailment yourself. Chances are you will not get it right. The vet has studied for years to practice and is still learning day to day.Pay the money and get the cat sorted out asap.
he might be sick go to the vet and tell him what is going on or he is tired of what you ae feeding him my cat sometime stops eating if he is givin the same thang over and over or he might have somthing worng with his teeth
Well I have a 18yr old cat that lost weight dramatically like that and there was nothing wrong but just to be on the safe side please take your cat to a vet soon it could be many outher things. Good Luck
It could be a myriad of different things. Despite the answers from some of the folks on here it's highly unlikely that it's worms, unless you have an outdoor cat. Indoor, well-fed housecats just don't run into those kinds of problems. But weight loss, lethargy and loss of appetite are all symptoms of illness in cats and should be taken very seriously. You need to see your vet as soon as possible. If you're waiting for an appointment, try and not wait more than a couple of days. Most importantly, make sure your cat is drinking.dehydration in cats can be a killer. Good luck. I hope your kitty is feeling better soon!
normally worms. However cats do seem to loose weight in the summer.
CALL THE VET IMMEDIATELY! Weight loss could be a sign of something more serious: worms, thyroid, even leukemia
yeah our cat lost alot off wait,we were getting really worried about her so we took her two the vets they kept her in and did loads off different tests on her we had a phone call saying it was her thyroids she now has mediation for the rest off her life bless but she doing well ,so yeah have yours check out cause you never know,i wish you good luck.
it can be a problem of worms if she stays hungry.maybe she has an infection..u must buy the books that tell u that wat to do in these types of cases rather going to a vet..u can make her eat a little more so that she becomes perfect again.
i would go to the vets now its best to find out now.
Don't wait for ideas get to the vets pronto
Get to the vets right away, this may be a blockage which needs to be cleared. If one of the tubes is blocked leading to the stomach, the food wont reach there and she will lose weight.
Worms, FIV like HIV only its FIV in cats im being serious!! Or maybe feed it more. Maybe it had kittens!
change cat food--she may not like the food anymore. I had to switch food for my cat because he was tired of Meow Mix--now he is eating Hill's Science Diet
If your cat is still eating healthily, there's clearly something wrong. I'd book your cat into see the vet asap

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