my 2 year old (spayed) female cat weighs about 10-11 lbs, is that too much?

she is an all black domestic medium hair.
I have 3 cats, one is 3 yrs old %26 is a fixed male weighs at least 20 lbs!! Another is also male 3 yrs also fixed and maybe weighs 8 3rd one is a fixed male kitten that may weigh 7 lbs.

I personally think that your little girl kitty has a very sleek figure!
No, that is perfect. My vet told me that around 10 lbs. is an ideal weight for a cat.
No, that's not too much. Our orange and white tiger male weighs a little over 12lbs., and he's in great shape. If your cat were obese, you'd be able to tell.
I think she is ok..she should be around 8-12 pounds, in that range. So that's ok. You are doing a good job.
If she is an indoor cat, that is an average weight!
Female cats tend to average 7-10 pounds and males 9-12. Just don't let her get heavier and she should remain healthy. :)
She's about average. My 20 lb white cat with the black tail (also spayed) is a fatso.
I have one cat that weighs about 17 lbs and one cat that weighs about 13 lbs, and both of the cats are healthy. If you are really concerned about your cat, then talk to your vet, but I would think that as long as the animal is not excessively losing or gaining weight, then it is probably healthy.
I think it is probably pushing it a bit. 12 pounds is a nice lean weight for a male cat and she must be smaller in proportions.

If you are feeding your cat grocery store foods you are feeding her a diet of 2/3 corn. Corn is used to fatten slaughter animals who only have life-spans of under two years.

Try a small owner-operated pet store to look for high protein foods that use rice, oats, tapioca as fillers instead of corn. I can guarantee that she will stop GAINING weight if you use these premium foods. And over six months or a year's time she will probably drop a couple of pounds and be much better nourished into the bargain.

To switch dry cat foods click on my name at the icon. This technique will work for you and be the best way to switch your cat.

Obesity can cause diabetes later in life, make arthritis worse, prevent a cat from grooming properly so I'm glad you know it is something to be given serious consideration.
There are so many different opinions on what the weight of a "healthy" cat should be. I have a 2yr. old female, spayed, indoor kitty, (Lily).Shes 16 lbs. and very healthy. My older cat was a male, neutered, indoor, (he just passed away becuase of a neurologic disease) - he was 23 lbs. and he was healthy. It all depends on the cat. You know your cat best. If your vet says all of her vitals are good, then let her get fat. Cats should be loved and fed and cuddled - you'll know when to put your foot down
No! My friend's cat is 2 years old and she's close to 20 pounds. She lays on her stomach whenever she eats or drinks!
you answered mine so I will answer yours. I am also an animal lover and plan to keep all the kittens, I am worried and that is why I posted the question. Your cat is a normal weight but could go heavier so lay off the treats. By the way, if you can't answer a question without being judgemental, maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself.

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