My 3 month old kitten has a swollen belly?

She is acting normal, maybe sleeping a tiny bit more, but she still plays and is active. She seems to be eating normal (she ate tuna my son gave her plus her normal food). Should i be worried. I haven't gotten her shots yet because i fell short on money. Also can you buy the immunizations and administer them yourself for cheaper? Somone told me you could.
a swollen belly is sometimes a sign that the kitten has worms. you shold get that checked out. I had a kitty named Q-ball who had the same problem, and I was too late taking him to the vet. He passed away.. I don't think it costs too much to get them wormed.
yes you can buy cat/dog shots
It sounds like to me your kitten just got a belly full of food today. It should be down by morning.
yes, I would definatly be worried but first, does she always have a swollen belly or is it just after she eats. If it is after she eats, then it is normal, if she has it all the time, get her to a vet, a swollen belly is a sure sign of worms which all baby cats and puppies are born with. I would ask a vet about the immunizations but I really don't think you can, at least I have never heard of it before. If the vet says it sounds like worms there are worming meds that you can buy in any pet store. Get them from a pet store though and not a grocery store as the grocery store ones are not as good and may not be as safe. Good luck with your kitty.
Does a baby with a swollen belly sound good and normal to you? Whenever there's a doubt about a health issue for a pet, the best thing to do is take it for a check-up at the vets. Oh, and start saving up. Having a baby pet and nurturing it so it grows up well calls for money to get those shots and correct health help from the vet.
1. If she's really only 3 months old and hasn't been to the vet, she's likely full of roundworms and/or coccidia..both are common causes of 'swollen' bellies in kittens.

2. Don't feed her tuna anymore! That could also be causing gasswollen belly. (Milk is another common cause of that.)

3. Many people bring me "3-month-old" kittens with swollen bellies, expecting it to be worms..only to find out that she's REALLY 5-6 months old, and pregnant.

4. If you vaccinate a pregnant cat, you will cause extreme deformities in the kittens.

5. Here's another really good reason why you shouldn't waste your money by vaccinating at home (see my post in the following thread):;.
she might have been over feed and make sure she is wormed and that only one person feeds her.
maybe the kitten is infected with worms
Worms can also cause a swollen belly, and kittens have worms more often than not. Spend the $$, take her to the vet for a check. But, I'm not a big believer in shots for cats that never go out. My cats are all healthy, and those that have passed, have passed from old age.
It may be intestinal parasites. OR she may just be bloated, wait a few days and if the swelling doesn't go down, contact your vet.
hello, well if the kitten hasen't been checked out by a licensed vet since you got her, most times that could actually be worms, not to alarm you but that's what can sometimes give a kitten that slightly bloated look.. it is of course good that she's eating and drinking okay thought. remember althought its tempting to feed table scraps remember onions,garlic and chocolate are toxic to cats. and yes you can find places on line.for do it at home vacc's but remember sometimes cats can have allergic reactions and it might be best to have the first set done by a vet then do the at home thing.
Kittens often have a fat belly after they eat. Did you give her a worm medicine? You can get the immunization medicine and all the stuff you need at Fosters or check online for veterinarian catalogs. I don't know if you have to have a perscription or not. Also Check in your town for low cost or free shots and spaying. Some have them. It gets more expensive when they are grown.
sounds like she's got worms to me. I'd take her to the vet.
Please don't buy the shots and administer yourself. You will probably overdose the cat. First shots are not that expensive and buying them will come out to about the same amount as letting a vet do it plus you need a prescription from a vet to get the shots.
You kitten is possibly having issues with learning when to stop eating. You might need to measure the food you give it. Also do not feed it human food until she is is fully grown and even then moderate treats. Many ailments cats get it do to poor nutrition and our food does not contain all that they need and some are bad for them like cow milk. As soon as you get about $50 together call your local vet and have her checked out also if you have a bit more to spare might want to have her shots done at the same time about $25 most vets. If you don't have $75 then call the vets and ask them their pricing pick the one that suites you and make an arrangement for payment.
pot belly in kittens could be a sign of worms. You can get a deworming liquid from the pet store of the grocery (most cos a little over $5.00. Kittens MUST be de-wormed because round worms could clog up their intestines and kill them
if she's never been given any worming medicine, you need to get her some immediately.

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