My 3 month old kitten has tapeworms. Is this an emergency, how soon should I get him treated?

I just noticed this today and I think he has it pretty bad. If I can't take him to a vet today or tomorrow, what should I do with him until then? How can I keep the worms from getting on things in my home? Help!
Hopefully you do not have small children who put everthing in their mouth and think WOW, here's some rice.I love rice, yummy.

You can either keep your kitten confined until Monday or you can go to the pet store and buy tapeworm treatment. The best is always from the vet though. Have you had the kitten checked for other intestinal parasites? Very important, if you haven't! Many are zoonotic. Not to mention dangerous to his health.
Take him to the vet and quick. Worms are eating your cats stopmach at this very moment. Your cat might get a shot to get things better or if it is too late surgery will have to imply. I am so sorry for you. Go to the vet.
Well be careful for1 and 2 this is cuz it could kill him.

Okay see a vet asap or if u can not I suggest if u give it water give it water from a deer park water or aquafina etc.. cuz scientists say tap water is not bein cleaned right and may have lots or little bacteria that is being given to pets. And after u r done wit dirty jobs make sure you wash be4 giving food to a pet cuz some nasty little germs crawl in their food and contaminates it.

So give it cold water from a water bottle and lots of it a day to get better and ur handsmust be clean to give it food. This is all I can think of . GOOD LUCK TO UR PET AND PRAYERS!!
Just keep the kitten contained in a cage preferably or maybe a bathroom. The tapeworms just eat the food that you kitten eats so your kitten may be losing weight. Just keep plenty of food and water on hand for the kitten to eat. Good Luck and take her to the vet on Monday.

If you have other pets or children keep them away from her. They can pick them up from her. They tend to vomit them up so if you find a pile pick it up in a tissue and flush them.
Your best bet is to get him treated as soon as possible. The only way to keep from contaminating other pets (or even yourself) would be to contain him in a carrier (large enough for catbox and food and water) until you can get vet care.
You don't need to take the cat to the vet. If you're sure about its tapeworms and have a good relationship with your vet, call your vet and ask them to prescribe a de-wormer. Or if your cat has not been seen by the vet before/you're not sure if its heartworm, then take the vet a fresh stool sample. They can check the sample and prescribe a de-wormer that way too. In the mean time, your cat is going to shed fragments of the tapeworm in its bowel movements and likely where he sleeps too. Just vaccum them up.
As others have suggested, get kitty to a vet.

It's not an emergency, so you don't have to rush to a 24/7 emergency clinic, but you should call Monday morning as soon as your regular clinic opens and make an appointment at the earliest possible time.

There are other kinds of worms, and while all are fairly easily treated, the treatment isn't the same for all kinds of worms. A vet will know what kind of worms they are.

If they're really tapeworms, then plan on also treating kitty for fleas. Tapeworms come from fleas, so if kitty has tapeworms he also has fleas. If you don't get rid of the fleas the tapeworms will be right back.
tapeworms in humans can kill, they act even faster in smaller animals. what the tapeworm is doing is eating all the nutrition that the cat gets from its food essentially starving your cat. she needs to be taken to the vet asap for medication and a shot, one of my cats had it at one point but she recovered so I'm sure yours will be fine with the proper care but don't delay get the care asap the longer you wait the more your cat will suffer
Tapeworm is bad. I don't know what to do. Do you have a Vet Hospital somewhere close? If you have kids, keep a good eye on them. Get your kitten treated as soon as possible. I don't know what else to say. Hope your kitty gets better. How do you think he got it? What brand of food does he eat? Has anyone else gotten tapeworm recently in your family? Hope he gets better.
Tapeworms come from ingesting a flea, the flea at its larvae stage ingested the tapeworm egg, tape worms are usually short, looking like a grain of rice, they are segmented %26 break off in these small pieces, you would have to ingest a flea to get tape worms but you may want to put the kitten somewhere, where they wont drop off on your bed, and other things, just go to the vet Monday %26 get something to treat him, but the pill will just kill the ones he has %26 will not stop him from getting more so you need to get Advantage or Frontline to get rid of the fleas.

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