My 3 year old cat Lynx has a bad cough and he has trouble breathing.?

My cat Lynx has had this problem off and on ever since i got him neutered last year. He gets this really nasty cough, you can also hear a rattling noise in his chest. Which causes him to have breathing problems, the only way i can help is to put him on my knee's with his head facing the floor and gently tap his back and sides, i tap his back for a while until he coughs really bad and this really nasty thick white mucus comes out of his lungs. This has happened to him when he's gotten stressed out, but it only last for 2 days tops. But this time he's not stressed out and he's had it for the last 5 days, its not getting any worse but its not getting any better. what i'm wondering is, maybe he could just have a cold this time? He still eating and drinking normally, even though he's sleeping more. If anybody has any ideas on what this is or what i can do i'd really appreciate the infomation.
That sounds serious! Well my suggestion is to get it to a vet as soon as possible. I don't want you to lose your pet because you didn't act fast enough. Let the vet check it out and maybe you can help your cat.

PS: Good luck and I hope I helped. Hope your cat gets better and tell him that he has a good owner. Tell Lynx I said Hi!
I'm sorry but what you are describing is not normal and I really think you should give your vet a call and tell them what you have told us.

Good luck!

and do not give him Nyquil as suggested by someone else!
give him nyquil
Get him to the vet ASAP. It sounds like pneumonia. My cat just died of this less than a week ago because I didn't get him to the vet in time. Don't let this happen to you.
You should take him to the vet if it lasts any longer. Might be serious,
You really need to get your cat to the bet ASAP. but in the meantime to help with the breathing, if you have a humidifier this will help if not then turn on the shower to hot, steam the bathroom with your cat in the bathroom not the shower. the hot steam will help to loosen his breathing a bit. do not give your cat any medications until you see a vet. sounds like he has a nasty upper respirtory infection that may have turned into pneumonia. hope not. the increased sleeping is due to him not feeling well, don't wait until he stops eating or drinking then he will be really bad off. go now. good luck

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