My 4 cats (3 boys, 1 girl--all fixed) have started spraying--how can I stop this?

1.5 years ago, I got married and moved my 2 cats in with my husband's 2 cats. They never got along, but up until recently there haven't been any spraying issues. I've caught 2 boys in the act, and also caught the girl peeing in the corner. They've been checked out for UTIs, and I've tried such remedies as Feliway, and using enzyme cleaners to get out the smell, but it hasn't worked. Any ideas?
Often when you combine two households together including animals you will have some problems( as you have noticed). The same problem has happened to me -- so all I can tell you is what is working for me. But first the reason(s) your cats are spraying (1) your cats are territorial, which means they will mark what they consider their space or area. (2) there may be scents from previous animals they are trying to cover up with their own scent (3) Are there any stray cats roaming the area outside that are possibliy marking the area?? Your cats will retaliate by marking the inside of the home to let the strays know this is their area. (4) They might simply be expressing their dislike for one another in the household. Now what may help with the smell inside the house (1) an equal mixture of white vinegar and water sprayed directly to the areas sprayed (as soon as possible to time of spraying) (2) search the internet for products that claim to remove odors completely and maybe try some. (3) Pulling up carpeted areas that are liked to targeted and bleach underneath / or refinish(replace) wooded areas ( bleach mixture should be in the ratio of 1 to 10, 1 part bleach/ 10 part water) ; mixture should remain on location for a few minutes and wiped off quickly to prevent discoloration of wood/underneath material. (4) for the outside -- you can try planting a herb/plant called Rue in plentitude around the home; some say mixing in the old cat litter into the soil or plant material used in gardening or flower beds will deter the strays outside; Or there is trying to trap the strays and make sure they find ways to shelters for new homes or such. I have had some success with the rue outside and white vinegar mix inside ( thank god for warm weather and open windows during treatments) I have also had success with pulling up carpeted areas and bleach treating spots. So I hope this helps and if you find anything else that works let me know so I can try it too.
Cats who suddenly start doing this usually have a health problem (which you have ruled out) or are experiencing a behavioral problem. Sounds to me like they are not happy. Not much really works to remove the smell. I've actually had to paint wood floors to seal the smell in to the wood because nothing else worked. Maybe you could restrict 2 cats to one part of the hosue, and the other 2 to another part. This will give them all some space, and maybe they won't be so angry. Good luck.
Change the litter frequently. Use one that absorbs odor, like FreshStep. Dirty litter turns off cats and gets them spraying to tell you. Let the cats have time alone in a room of their own (with litter) as they may not all want to be together all the time. Clean up all sprays with something like "Urine Gone". Check if any cats are "stooping down" and dropping urine as that might mean they have a bladdar infection and need to see the vet. Make sure they all have food they like, like Science Diet. Don't skimp on crummy food. If cats spray they are trying to tell you something and if they are all fixed it may not be marking territory. Good luck.
are they fixed if not you should get them fixed but I have seen fixed cats spray but it was out side thank god but I believe that it is a Territorial thing so I don't know what to tell you
Do you have 4 litter boxes? Some cats just won't share.
Is there someone new in the household? Someone new outside? Is there a stray hanging around outside? Something is making them feel threatened and territorial issues have popped up. Did you get another pet like a dog? If this just started and there are no health issues something has made them feel their territory has or is being threatened. Try to figure out when it started and what has been new since then. Good luck.

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