My 3-year-old male cat recently began urinating blood. I don't have much $, what do I do?

He not only does this when he urinates but also when he sprays as well. What is his most likely diagnosis and will this cost me a lot of money? I'm afraid that if it is too expensive, I won't be able to afford it and might have to have him put down if it is that serious.
You need to take him to the vet immediately. He probably has a urinary tract infection, which can become very serious if not treated early. It shouldn't cost too much.
This is a bladder infection very painfull for a cat. he needs to see a vet TODAY. They will put him on a antibiotic
Give hime to someone that can afford to take care of him. You have to take him to the vet or he will die.

Cats love to drink it

Blood in the urine indicates a bladder infection or possibly some form of cancer in the urinary tract. Take your cat to a vet because it can be serious.
Many vets are not in their profession for the money. Call around, I know a few of my friends from school are vets and they are more than willing to take patients in on a payment plan.
I am not a vet so this is just an educated guess. From my education of cats, it sounds like (s)he has worms. You can buy an antiworm med from walmart or somewhere like that for CHEAP. So, that's what I would try. Hope this info helps.
Maybe it's a kidney infection. I heard cats get that alot. Maybe you could get free advice from a local animal shelter? Also, try the following link.
I'd call around, see if any vets have a payment plan. Realistically, what is your other option other than bringing him into the vet? You might get bad news and have to put him to sleep. If you don't bring him to the vet, he might die a slow, miserable death. I am sure you would rather have him put to sleep painlessly than to have him endure that, sad as it may be.

Another option is to give him up to the SPCA. They will treat him but if you don't have money to pay you have to sign the animal over to them.
Before you freak out too much, contact your local animal shelter. Ask them to give you the name of a couple of low-cost vets in your area. They should be able to point you in the right direction.
Take him to the city pound, they can help.
get a lone and save that cat
Get him to the vet.NOW..he has a urinary tract infection. If you dont get it taken care of, his urethra will get blocked completely.
It could be as simple as a urinary infection which could be resolved with anitbiotic or as serious as bladder cancer (which my Mincho was recently diagnosed with). The only way you can know is to start with a urinalysis to see what is going on with the urinary system.
why do you have a cat if you cant afford it. give it to someone who can.
it is probably a urinary tract infection, or a kidney infection which would probably cost an office visit and some antibiotics, maybe a follow up visit.

the cat does need to go to the vet before it gets even more serious. if a urinary infection is left untreated it can damage kidneys and all best to get this taken care of soon and you'll have to spend less money.

you might consider after this putting maybe $5 a month or so away incase of medical attention is needed for your cat.
umm. if you were urinating blood what would you do??
You shouldn't have a pet if you can't afford to properly care for it.
He has some kind of urinary tract infection or kidney disease, both of which are serious conditions requiring medical attention. The cost is probably an office visit and some antibiotics. Not terribly expensive. Most vets will offer you a payment plan if needed.

You should have thought of the cost of caring for a cat before you got him. :-(
Well, you can either let your cat suffer in pain because you can't be bothered to take him to the vet, in which case he will continue to suffer and will quite possibly die painfully, or you can own up to the responsibilities you took on when you adopted the cat in the first place and take it to the vet for treatment.
It sounds like your kitty has a urinary tract infection, and it can indeed be expensive to treat. However, vets are generally willing to work with you and offer a payment plan, if you can't pay everything up front.

Get this taken care of quickly: It can be fatal!

Good luck!
This is an EMERGENCY. Your cat is in pain. Call a vet, explain your financial situation, see what can be done. The cat is suffering.
You should put him on a LOW ASH diet like Hills CD, available from vets. Also unfortunately he needs to see a doctor now. Hope you can swing that cuz he is in pain.

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