My 4 month old cat..fetches??

I got a new cat a few weeks ago, and she loves this one particular spongy soccer ball toy, she'll chase it any where,and she brings it back for more, how unusual is this? At least for a cat and one her age?
I used to have a siamese ragdoll, who had a toy she loved. Her Bud. She would look all over for it. Bring it to you when she wanted to play and sleep with it. Cats are supposed to be smarter than dogs. So fetching is good. Someday soon we'll see you on TV with your cat that can fetch a beer.
Maybe it's a dog in a cat's body?

It's very unusual for a cat to play fetch, but if it likes doing it might as well play along.
next time use a hand grenade
Many cats play fetch.

I have had several that do.

My Mikey loves his soft, beat-up furry ball. As many times as we will throw it, he will bring it back for more. :-))
I had one that would fetch one of those party blowers. The paper tube things at kids parties that roll out when you blow into them. She loved them and would chase them all over the house.
My friend has a cat that will fetch bouncy balls. Like you get in gumball machines at the grocery store. It's the funniest thing if you toss it down the stairs, the cat all but falls over herself to get it.
I had 3 cats do that, it is so cool! Keep doing it because when they get older they either forget how or get lazy. Have fun with your cute baby they love the attention.
we had a wonderful cat that fetched just like a dog
enjoy her, this is a little unusual
My cats Chase a tennis ball when rolled across the lawn but they don't bring it back.
Your lucky to have such a playful cat.
My cat does it too. He is particularly clever, I admit. We also play footbal together (I kick the ball, he catches it and kicks it back to me).
That is actually very cute. My cat get's on his back paws and boxes with people.
My kitty has done that since she was a baby, now she is nearly 1! I had never seen a cat do that before! She has a toy mouse that she will bring to you for you to throw and she brings it back for more! She will also do it with a scrunched up paper ball!
I have hadmany cats over the years, we have only hadd one that fetched. So, i would say that it is not a common thing for a cat to do.
I had a cat once, who as a kitten of probably about the same age you speak of, would also return a toy to me, and wait for me to throw it again. Unfortunately, and I don't know why, he stopped doing this. It had been so cool, as I'm sure you feel. Just keep it up, so your cat doesn't forget how to do this.
hi, i also have a cat(max) who also does this, it means they are very smart, and have learned if they return it, you will play with them, however yes it is rare, as my other 4 dont do this at all
have fun with her
I currently have a cat that fetches. She's a trip! She also plays with this piece of string that came off the cat food bag (the stiff pull string to open it). She'll take it into the kitchen and grab it in her mouth and turn in circles like she's chasing it. The more we laugh at her the faster she goes.

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