my 4 month old cat has runny poo gray/green colour dont no what to do please help?

my cat is 4 months old and is well with in himself but the runny poo is worring me
Hi Kelly.there are many variants which can cause diarrhea in cats. If the food was suddenly switched this would cause bowel disturbances. If there's some bacteria such as coccidia or giardia (giardia includes a little blood and mucous) or parasites--worms. A vet will need to have a fresh feces sample to examine for cause and then to properly treat. Young cats that have diarrhea for more than a few days will become quickly dehydrated and may need subcutaneous fluids (SubQ .similar to IV fluids).

Feline Diarrhea:
clean it up
Call the vet being that young they can dehydrate very quickly. Good luck
Veterinarian get off line and go see one. HELLLOOOOO!!
Time for a visit to the vet..
Phone your vet.
take him to a vet
What goes in must come out. What are you feeding you cat? Has it has all it's shots?
This sounds like a problem with the level of bacteria in the gut, you really should consult you vet as kittens can lose condition with frightening speed

Good luck
It's not unusual for kittens to have diarrhea while still nursing, or even for a little while after being weaned, but since your kitten is now 16 weeks old, I'm assuming he's been weaned for a while, and this diarrhea just started up. And since the color is so odd, it's time for a trip to the vet. And do it soon! Any problem can kill a kitten quickly.
Depends how long this has been going on for ?

Cats can catch little bugs and illness's like us so they make get the runs now and then. our cats do every now and then and as long as it doesn't go on for more than 3 days I shouldn't worry too much. Have you wormed him yet, that may be why, or changed his food. Cats as you may know already are very fussy with their food. clean fresh water so he doesn't get dehydrated after having the runs.

If still worried then take him to the vets.
And you still sitting in front of the computer? Take your poor cat see the vet as quick as you can..Runnnnn.
What are you feeding your kitten? Try Junior canned food / pouches, and see if that has any effect. Kibble food can cause runny stools, as there is so much in it that cats cannot digest.

When you buy food, go for foods that have _very_ low carbohydrates and little carb sources (try for no corn and rice foods, if you can access them). There is info on good foods at and some home preparing recipes at

But a visit to the vet, or at least a phone call, is always a good idea. make sure he has had all his shots and de-worming too.
You need to make an apointment with your local vet. There could be a number of reasons this is happening, including your cat's diet. Your vet will probably want a "fresh" sample as well.. as gross as it sounds. When you call to make an apointment you should ask.
Pleasse contact a vet or if you are unable to afford vets fees try RSPCA,PDSA or BLUE CROSS poor little thing needs checking over. Do not feed regualr kat food or give milk : Give water and a ;ittle boiled chiken and rice BUT 1ST SEEK ADVICE

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