My 4-month old kitten keeps sucking his tail. Is this normal?

And nothing can stop him from not doing it either. There could be a nuclear war going on and he'd be lying there, content with his tail. Any other kittens do this? And why do they do it?
Some vets believe that sucking is a stress reliever - others think it's just comforting and the cat was taken from the litter too soon. If this activity is causing a medical problem, [i.e. hair-loss or sores],it's probably time for a vet visit- otherwise just consider this to be one of your kitty's endearing quaities!
It must calm him down. Its just like a baby sucking his/her thumb, right? Its okay. Dont worry about it., I have 2 cats of my own :D

lol. just let it be, soon it will grow out of it. just one of those things that are ridiculous like kids do
My miniature schnauzer is 16 months old and sucks on his mothers ears on a regular basis and we can't stop him soo I doubt you can stop a cat from sucking his tail. It must be some sort of security issue and as long as he sdoesn't get any sores from it I wouldn't worry to much . Some kids suck their thumb at night till they are adults go figure. Just let him be him
LOL! =) Been through there. my kitten did the same thing (he would suck the tip of his tail) when he was little and he kept on doing it as a grown cat =) He didn't have any health issues as a result of sucking his tail =)
Better his tail then your ear, hair, or neck. My kitten was weaned to early, so he started sucking on my ear when I would try to sleep. But he has seemed to out grow it, now he just sleep in my hair when I go to bed.
It's normal - it's just comfort behavior, like sucking his thumb. Our oldest cat is well over a year old and she sucks on this particular fuzzy blanket and kneads it at the same time. I love kitties - they're so weird. :-)

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