My cat should be put to sleep .?

shes been us for 26 years. we love her.. any suggestions?
If she's still healthy and fine, then don't. Don't put her down just because she is old. Would you do that to your grandma?

Also, you never know--she may become the worlds oldest cat.
don't let your pet suffer
You shouldn't just put her to sleep because she's old, but if she's in poor health, and not getting around well, then I'd say do it. You can get it done at the Vet's office.
Keep her until she dies.
If shes just old then let her live. but if shes sick and suffering, lay her down.
if shes still healthy i don't see the point in putting her to sleep..
if she's sick and in pain its only humane to put her to sleep..
ii mean you don't want her to suffer
She's 26?! Wow!

If she no longer has any quality of life (she's suffering and/or simply can't live normally anymore) then you should do the humane thing and have her put down.

And be thankful you've had this long with her. 26 years is a VERY long life for a cat.
if she is suffering and you really love her then please do the decent thing and let her die peacfully and not in shows that you love your cat by not making it suffer and letting her free x
why are you putting your cat to sleep is she sick or what
thank you
What's her health condition? If she is in pain that should be the only reason to put her to sleep so that she doesnt suffer any longer. 26 years is pretty old but as well as it is in good health it should be fine but the choice to continue to take care of it is another choice.
26 years! wow! is your cat in declining health or in pain? I wouldn't put her down just because she is old, but if she is suffering, then yes. talk to your vet about it. I just had to put down my 15 year old cat last week, but his health was failing very quickly.
If she is in pain or suffering, put her to sleep. Be with her and hold her during the procedure. Thank your lucky stars you had kitty for so many years!
DON'T put the poor little cute cat to sleep.only if she is suffering that is the only time i would do it because i would not like to see ANY animals suffer
I really can feel your pain, My friend just put her cat down. She had cancer and lost three pounds in one day. She had a fever and couldn't move.
My cat wa born in my house, so I've had him since he was born, and he just recently lost his arm to cancer. So it is very sad, expecially since your cat can't tell you her/him self. So my advice:
I always believed a persons pet was the extention of they're soul. Listen to your kitty, be strong and let his/her actions speak. And remember, your kitty loves you just as much as you love it.
It all depends. If she is in good health and she isnt a burden to u then let her live. But if she is sick or ill and is in pain all the time. I would suggest putting her down.

Its better that she isnt suffering.She seems to have had a good run beacuse 26 years is a long time to live for a cat. Alot of people dont live to see that age.

Good luck to u and ur family.
suppose your parents become old will u put them to india we will never do such a thing
check u heart and u shall get the answer
You need to give more details. Do not let your cat suffer- if she is very sick and not living happily it is her time. I know it is sad, but you have to do what is right for her. There are so many kitties that need good homes- you could honor her by helping another.
She has lived a full life. I would only put an animal to sleep if it was really suffering and had given up on life itself, like not moving or eating and just suffer in pain. If painkillers could help, I would let her die normally. Whatever you do, keep thinking she has had a long and happy life.
Unless she's really deathly sick and suffering, there is absolutely no need to put her down. Just because a cat is old doesn't mean they are put to sleep. I had a cat that lived to be almost 30, if you love her there is no reason to put her to sleep. May you and your cat live long and happily!
well being old isn't a good reason to put an animal down.

is she still eating? and drinking? and going to the litter box alright? is she in pain?

if she is in good health don't put her down, if she doesn't have a good quality of life then that is when you would decide on putting your cat down.
depends of health, pain
if the bad out weighs the good yes
but this should be a well thought thru descision
why? is she sick?
This is a HARD question. Our dog, Mitzy, was in pain, but she didn't want in, only her box under the trailor. She died thrashing under there, but let us KNOW not to mess w/her. It depends on your pet's "talk". IMPO, it is way too much stress to put under a road trip %26 new office experience. Put her to sleep only if your vet can come to your place. Maybe a FEED store for livestock will have the shot so you can do it yourself. I am sorry for you. Think before you react. How will you feel in a year if you do (plan)? IF you can live w/the answer a year from now, go ahead.
if she's healthy then no if she;s sick then yes
Please let her live longer!!
If you were a cat, wouldn't you want that from your owner??
Wow! I have a 22 yr old cat who kidneys are not going well and she has severe arthritis.

She eats very well and with gusto, she tools around in the garden and lies in the soft morning sun, drinks tons of water and pees profusely in a litterbox. She sleeps beside me on my bed and loves having chin scrunchies and ear strokes every night before we go to sleep.

If your cat is still enjoying her life and not completely debilitated by illness or disability, your family should go on enjoying her company and honoring her fine spirit.
It depends on what her quality of life is. Is she still able to eat and drink? Can she move around alright? Is she incontinent? If she is no longer enjoying life and seems to be in pain, it may be time to put her to sleep. With cats especially, a ride in the car to the veterinary can be very stressful. Call your veterinarian. A lot of vets will offer to perform euthanasias (putting an animal to sleep) in your home. I used to work as a veterinary technician and the most peaceful euthanasias were done at home. The animal stays calm and is comfortable in their own place. The euthanasia itself is done with a powerful barbituate. Barbituates are a depressant and in the amount used to put an animal to sleep it relaxes the heart muscle, so that it stops beating. It can be a hard thing for a pet owner to watch, but a lot of owners like to be present so they can pet their animal and soothe them right up until the end. Following the euthanasia, many communities offer burial and crematory services. I personally like the idea of burying an animal at home (if you have a yard) or cremating a special pet and then making a donation in their memory to something like an animal shelter. I know its not an easy decision, but I hope this helps some.

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