My friend has a kitten that is ruining her orchids and furniture.?

How can she get the kitten to behave when she is not home.
Kittens have allot of energy and don't realize they are destroying anything. They do grow out of this, in the mean time she needs to try to block off that room while she is gone, the room where the kitten is causing some problems. No cages, I read that and that is the stupidest thing I ever read, that would cause some serious psychological problems and down right creul. She needs to provide allot of toys to keep the kitten occupied while she is not home, I mean allot of them. balls, etc, no strings though, they swallow them and die. So tell her to get to the pet store or wallmart too and get some neat toys. never spank nor hit a cat! Tree was right in only one thing, the scratching post, that is all tree was right about.
Give the kitten lot of love. You will have a friend forever.
There is a spray that is supposed to keep cats away from where ever you spray it for a certain amount of time but I have never tried it. If I really wanted to keep my cat away from something I would just get a cage and lock it in there with food and water.
First there is this solution you can get at the Vet that covers the claws, and it kinda turns to rubber. It is great solution for protecting your furniture, and is more cost effective than declawing your kitten. Talk to your vet about the solution, and as for the orchids I would also mention that to the vet as well. He may recommened something.
There are little caps that you can put on the claws so that they can't rip anything up.
The only thing she can do is put the litter box in the bathroom with the kitten until the kitten is old enough to behave better.
She must teach it what is not allowed, by taking softly by the neck, like his mum would, when he does something naughty, saying NOooo, and putting him where he is allowed to scratch.
I have cat's and I'm fairly knowledgeable abouts most animals and training techniques. First if the kitten is scratching, you need to get a scratching post from the pet store. When the kitten goes to scratch the furniture immediately scare the crap out of it with a newspaper or anything like that and yell "NO". You have be on your toes to get the job done. If it is not using a litter box you will need to put it in a small area, like a bathroom, with a clean litter pan. If you catch it not using the pan, it has to be right then, pick it up and give a small spat on the butt, take and put it in the litter box. Continue to do this till it gets the message.
My cat had the same problems. She totally ruined my furniture with her claws and was constantly chewing all the leaves off my plants. I chose not to declaw her as I adopted her as a mature cat, so I decided on a scratching post - but she still preferred my couch. I tried carpeted, sisal, and cardboard scratch posts but she ignored them all. Then when I got new furniture, I bought some indoor repellent spray from the pet store. This seemed to work, but I also covered the couch arms with clear double-sided tape. Now she just claws on the carpet, which is fine with me.

As for the plants, I would recommend Grannick's Bitter Apple, which is a safe deterrent spray for plants. It seems to work for me. Good luck!
I raise African violets and orchids, and it is simply necessary to keep plants and cats separated. Furniture is tougher - it may be necessary to confine the cats to a place where they cannot harm the furniture, such as a bathroom or basement where a litter box can reasonably be provided.

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