The champions of the world.
I always cry at championships.
I believe heaven will be like the ultimate championship, and we'll all get to be part of it. I think that's part of what Paul meant when he talked about being cheered on by a cloud of witnesses, and when he said "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." Someday we'll all get to cut down the net, together, with the knowledge that we got there by Christ's strength, not our own. And then we'll give Him the net. It's going to be glorious.
I was actually rooting for Butler in this game, because I'm all about Cinderellas. (Plus, their coach is young and cute! I think he's married, though.) But they had a good run and should be proud. Especially that Jesse Eisenberg. ;)
I feel in my bones that next year, I'll be celebrating and overemoting for my Tigers. To the Final Four and hopefully beyond. Can't wait!
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