Have You Made New Years Resolutions For Your Family?
The new year is just around the corner and it's time for many of us to begin thinking about New Year's Resolutions. There was a time when I used to think that setting goals was unnecessary and perhaps even a waste of time. There are a lot of excuses for not setting goals, and I've used them all; they never work for me, they interfere with being spontaneous and I'm just too lazy to put in the work of making them, never mind following up on the work involved in making them happen. Only about 50% of the general public make goals and of those only about 3-5% accomplish them. However, for the last two years I've been not only researching the importance of setting goals but also experimenting with the best way to make them happen. There are several important steps to goal setting beyond just coming up with the goal and I plan to share those in some upcoming posts.
How does this relate to us as parents? Several family experts recommend that we set family goals. Does that strike you as strange or unusual? It is true that when we think of New Year's Resolutions we often repeat the tried and true goals of losing weight, exercising more or eating healthy food with perhaps a career goal thrown in for good measure. To truly have a balanced life however, we should set a goal in each major area of our life and make regular deposits of time and energy into each of those areas. Linda and Richard Eyre, family experts suggest that each day we set a goal in three areas; personal, family and career. I think they have the right idea but may be a little on the overachiever side. I recommend instead that we create an overall family vision statement for the year and follow that up with family goals that may be for the week or month. Here's what that might look like:
Family Vision Statement: To encourage and empower each family member to live successfully, joyfully and playfully through regular family experiences
Weekly or Monthly Goal: Schedule a family night weekly.
Notice how the vision statement sets the stage for a goal that can be concrete and timely. Developing the vision statement and goal statement should be a family effort that takes into consideration the personality and values of the family members. There is no right or wrong way to do this. It can be a fun and enriching way for families to interact in the New Year.
Notice how the vision statement sets the stage for a goal that can be concrete and timely. Developing the vision statement and goal statement should be a family effort that takes into consideration the personality and values of the family members. There is no right or wrong way to do this. It can be a fun and enriching way for families to interact in the New Year.
I'd love to hear from other parents out there about setting goals for family. Have you tried it? Did it work for you? How did you go about agreeing on goals?
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