Merry Christmas To All!

I wanted to take a minute and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

It has been an incredible year for me. I feel blessed beyond my imagination.

I am immensely proud of my staff, and their incredible compassion. They remind me everyday why I do I what I do, and also why I love it so much. There isn't any place in the world that I would rather be than with my staff, in our clinic making magic happen. We get to touch the lives of so many amazing people, and be a part of their lives through helping their pets. It is an incredible responsibility and I am honored that our clients trust us with the health and care of their pets.

I have also been blessed to have been faced with many challenges. They have made me a better veterinarian, human being, friend, employer, and spouse. If I had to do it all over again I wouldn't change one thing. I would still be here at JVC with all of my incredibly talented friends.

Where else could a Border Collie with Addisons disease find a new home where she is not only loved but treated?

Or a kitten with PRAA get the surgery he needed, survive, thrive, and find a great caregiver?

How do I find an abandoned beagle at the end of my driveway and then find a home that even my beagle is jealous of? 

And how can we find a home not once, twice, but three times, for a Chihuahua with a small biting problem. Who now needs a cystotomy, but has a mom that not only loves her but is willing to keep her inspite of a health and behavioral problem?

 There are devoted, loving people here at JVC on BOTH sides of the counter.

 There are Christmas cards lining the front reception area, enough cookies to keep us energized until March, and a list of clients that I know I can call on at anytime of day or night to help us with any emergency we may face. My clients are a part of my family, I am grateful for you all, and I am humbled by not only your generosity but your trust.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas! and I say a big Thanks for taking the time to read my stories. Thanks especially for leaving me feedbacks, and to Amy, thanks for being such a supportive fan.

But look out 2012! I have BIG plans for you!

with love to all of you, Krista

Here is how we spent our day.

Savannah taking her Christmas nap.

Charlie and Wren with a little "couch time."

Nothing beats a beagle nap.

Charlie with the best seat in the house.

The perfect end to a perfect day.

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