The Incredible Generosity of Mankind

I wanted to send a Big Thank-You out to the universe!

Bo, our newest rescue. I am working on his story. It isn't easy to write because I can't figure out how to tell the truth (as I see it) and be a responsible DVM.

We received a check yesterday for $750 to go toward the rescue animals currently residing at JVC. It was an anonymous donation so I am going to be respectful and just say "Thanks!" to the universe.

There have been so many days where I asked myself what I was going to do with this particular pet with this particular situation who needed help, and I had to sit there for a moment and ask myself what I could do, and if I could live with myself if I didn't do something.

There were many times when I had to remind myself that I couldn't save everything (which is s silly futile, pathetic excuse to do nothing, in my opinion), or that I needed to remind myself that JVC is not a non-profit (something my husband argues), and that I needed to be able to find a home for this pet that its owners were abandoning. There were some difficult, tragic cases, and at every single bump in the road I simply told myself, and my staff, that we always have to try, we always have to help, and we always have to have faith that this obstacle isn't the reason we abandon our compassion. And I keep a strong tie between JVC and the local rescues who are always willing to help us find a home or help a pet in need.

JVC has surrounded ourselves with kind, caring, generous, and empathic people and I am reminded everyday that the good we put out there always comes back to us. Maybe not immediately and maybe not in a form we expect, but it comes back to us.

So to whoever you are out there that made such a generous donation I say, "Thanks Again!," and to whomever sent me flowers about a month ago, (also anonymously), they came on a day that was one of the lowest in my vet career, and they meant the world to me. It relit my spirit, and reminded me I am not alone fighting the world for the sake of something that wasn't my responsibility to begin with.

I am soo grateful to all of you who help, who care, and who try to save the world, because really what else is more important?

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