The True Measure of Success

In these tough economic times as my husband and I try to run our veterinary hospital in the "black," (which is, I am told, the way you are supposed to run all businesses, crazy, I know!) I thought that I would share a recent discussion we had.

You see every January we spend a few days "going over the numbers" from the previous year. This past year, 2011, was a tough one for many. We are in the midst of one of the worst economic times in recordable history. There isn't one day that I don't hear a terribly heartbreaking story from one of our clients. I had no hopes or expectations as we wrapped up 2011. I was honestly just fine with us not being behind on our bills. I had no lofty expectations of meeting any "industry standard for a well-managed practice."
I was merely happy with still being in business.

When my husband, (aka "business partner") had crunched the 2011 figures he asked me to "Guess how I thought we had done for 2011?" I said "Well, I don't know what the numbers told you, but I can tell you that this year we received more cookies, brownies, and goodies than we have ever in the last 5 years combined. We have also plastered the front office with more Christmas cards than I ever remember receiving. So for me, I will say that I can measure our success on that."

He smiled, and said, "You're right honey, that seems as good a measure as anything else."

Here are some of my favorite 2011 cards. Enjoy! and may 2012 be a year of peace, love, joy, and prosperity for you all!
Leroy is one of my dear favorite boys, (you all know that I am already a big softy for Bassetts). His story is coming. He is even more incredible than it is.

I love this incredibly photogenic kitty. His mom dresses him up often, and sends us photos. Love it!

Stella, always the same, "pity me" face. A great client, a great family, all of them are very close to our hearts.

My dear friend, Mrs. Andrews, who always sends us a Christmas card with her (real pet) pig dressed up. This card is as adorable as the rest are. It cracks me up.

Mrs. Hagan, a wonderful person who donates much of her time, and her own resources to helping dogs in need. She even volunteered 1 day with us at the Pet Expo. Simply because she wanted to help. Thank-You!
How cute is this card? Peanut is one of our rescues. She found the best home in the world. She is now a buddy for the most adorable, and definitely most spoiled pup (deservedly) on the planet, Chica.

I have been lucky enough to watch the two cutie pies grow up with their dog sisters. I am lucky to be thought of as part of so many other peoples families. It is the most rewarding part of this life.

Some of the dogs of all Shepherd Rescue. Some have been a part of our JVC family and gone on to find their own. It is so wonderful to sea them so happy and healthy. 
A great card, with every pet in the house included.

Minnie is one of our rescues. You can read about her story here on my blog, titled, "Minnie's Meancing Gracile Grimace."

From the owner who lost their loved "Toby" in 2011.

And from Diedra, my sister, who lives 3 hours away, but knows every staff member in my clinic. And helps at every function we have.

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