Signs of Spring

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Early Signs of Spring in Memphis

- Daffodils and hyacinths adventurously emerge from the soil.


- The sounds of leaf blowers, mowers, and bulldozers echo through the air.

- A thin coating of pollen appears on your car.

- The Music Fest lineup is released and you debate its merits with friends and colleagues.

- You start thinking about crawfish, BBQ Fest, and Italian Fest.

- Everyone complains about springing forward, but all you care about is that extra hour of light in the evening.

- You walk up Beale to the Forum for the last Tiger home game of the season... and you don't need a coat!

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I had a really great time at the game on Saturday. The crowd was over 18,000, and the "positive energy" (Coach Pastner's favorite thing) abounded. Kathy and Daniel brought all three of their boys, and we fully enjoyed our last visit to section 224 until next year. WHERE did this season go??

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All four seniors (plus Joe Jackson) on the court together for the last time.

I was going to write a season-ending ode to the Tigers today, but decided to save it for whenever we're out of the tournament. As March Madness is about to begin, I'm issuing my annual blanket apology for excessive Tiger flailing and bracketology talk on all social media over the coming weeks. Get ready!!

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