Top Ten Tuesday - Spring Reading

This is my first time participating in Top Ten Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish! The topic for today is what's on your spring To Be Read list. Weirdly enough, I almost posted last week about some new releases I'm looking forward to. It's a sign!

You'll notice that most of these books have been out for a while. Unlike serious book bloggers, I'm not on top of all the new releases. I don't have the money or space to buy everything I'm interested in as it comes out, and if I'm able to snag new books at the library, I can't always finish them within the seven-day limit. So, many of these have been on my TBR list forever, but I finally found them at Goodwill or

Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare - I've loved the Infernal Devices trilogy and can't wait to find out how it all ends!

Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter - I didn't even know a new Heist Society book was out!

Reached by Ally Condie - No, I STILL have not gotten around to this one. I've been avoiding dystopia for my own mental health, so that's part of the reason why.

Bright Young Things by Anna Godbersen - My BFF gave me this book for Christmas. I was hooked on the Luxe series, and this new flapper-era series will get me in the mood for the new Gatsby movie. :)

Saturday Night Widows by Becky Aikman - A trusted friend told me I would love this memoir.

Still Points North by Leigh Newman - A memoir of an Alaskan childhood, found on Netgalley. It just got a good review in Entertainment Weekly.

At Least You're In Tuscany by Jennifer Criswell - Another Netgalley memoir that sounds like Under The Tuscan Sun gone hilariously awry. Right up my alley!

Burn for Burn by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian - I've wanted to read this since its release, and now it's been optioned for TV.

You're Already Amazing by Holley Gerth - I've seen Holley referred to as "America's encourager-in-chief." Sign me up!

Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones - Several friends loved this Christian contemporary romance from several years ago (no Amish characters, yay!).

We'll see if I get around to all of these this spring!

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