Meet Mr. July!


Age: 2 years
Weight: 10.1 pounds.
Gender: Neutered Male
Demeanor at the vet's office: Great cat!
Feline Friends: Cheddar (12 years) and Cleo (18 years)

I was found wandering the streets of Waterford in the fall 2010. The people who found me were allergic to cats, so they called Ellen at Elizabeth Lake Animal Rescue. Ellen took me to Exclusively Cats that day to be neutered. Lucky for me, my mom had been looking for a friend for one of her other cats. It was pretty much love at first site, She took me home that day! 

I live with 2 other cats, Cleo and Cheddar. I like to play with Cheddar, but my best friend is Shorty, the dog! Unfortunately, my affection is unreciprocated. I hope if I keep trying Shorty will eventually give in and embrace me:)

I love to spend my day on the deck bird watching. Right now. I am not allowed out because there are 2 bird nest on our deck and my mom doesn't trust me to "just" watch the birds. At least my cat tree is positioned for me to look out on the deck. I love to be up high. I often walk on the deck and staircase railing. Luckily, I have exceptional balance as they are both 2 stories high!
I love to play with cat toys and small children's toys. Legos are the best to steal!

As far as my favorite food, I pretty much eat to live, unlike Cheddar who lives to eat. I like to eat when nobody is watching me, so no body is really sure how much I eat.

I am very affectionate with my family. I love my mom the most. I don't really like visitors and I rarely allow them to see me.

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