Jelly the Rescued American Cocker Spaniel Celebrates Canada Day

Jelly, the anemic, sickly little, overweight Cocker Spaniel that was rescued several days ago is celebrating Canada Day, grateful to all that have helped her. She had warm spinach juice, green beans, and hamburger for breakfast with Missing Link and an antibiotic. She had a walk through the private park and sniffed as though she were in dog heaven. After her walk, she helped hang out laundry and had dried liver treats with cold, clean water. After her nap, Jelly went for her second walk, and came home to more dried liver treats. She’s taking her second nap while I write.

Now that she’s been rescued, what can Jelly look forward to?
Our short-term goal for little, sick Jelly is to bring her red blood cells up to normal so she is no longer weak and anemic. When this is accomplished, Jelly can receive dental care under anesthesia and have all her rotten teeth painless removed. She’ll continue on antibiotic for at least a week after her dental surgery.

Several steps have been taken to help Jelly reach a state so that it’s safe for her to be anesthetized. She has been bathed and groomed to remove the fleas that had drained her blood. When she was rescued, her red blood cells were about ¼ of those in a normal dog. To prevent any new fleas from sucking her blood, Jelly was treated with Revolution, a topical flea medication. To stop itching that occurred because of her flea bites and yeasty skin, Jelly received a 2nd bath with Malacetic Ultra Shampoo. Now that she’s not scratching, Jelly can sleep through the night, and her pineal gland can start secreting a healthy dose of growth hormone.

To give Jelly’s bone marrow the nutrients it needs to make new red blood cells, she’s receiving juiced spinach, red meat, and Missing Link. There’s nothing better than iron & vitamin-rich foods to provide building blocks for her bone marrow to work with. The molasses in Missing Link, the spinach, and red meat all provide iron. We can give Jelly supplements, but she is naturally inclined to get everything she needs from whole foods, so that’s what we’ll use first. If it is not successful, we’ll add supplements. Jelly’s meat, which came from HappyDogs is partially cooked to kill any bacteria while leaving protein in its natural form and not altered by high heat.

Our long-term goal for Jelly
Our long-term goal for Jelly is to have a loving family that’s able to provide for her health. They will be a very luck family as this little sweetheart is grateful for everything she’s given.

Jelly says THANKS
Rather than hate people for having let her get into such a state of disrepair, Jelly loves every person who has helped her. Among those that Jelly is grateful for are

Kathleen and the crew at Canine Corner

Dove at HappyDogs

Emily, the groomer

Julia and her friend Anna,

Tanisha, and

especially Monique, the wonderful woman who had the persistence to keep asking the neglectful family to relinquish this pet.

Jelly is an example of how caring many Canadians are, and one more reason to celebrate Canadians and Canada Day.

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