Making Saline Solution for Wounds, Dewclaws, and Torn Nails in Cats & Dogs

If dirt or bacteria are embedded in a wound, or a nail or dewclar are torn,  then soak the area in salt (saline) solution made from table salt or Epsom salt.

 Why use saline solution?
Saline solution should be slightly more concentrated than the salt in the body. A concentrated solution causes osmosis, and this pulls fluids from the cells and the space between the cells. This pulling or osmotic effect helps flush the area. And, because the saline solution causes osmosis to occur in the bacteria, the bacteria are weakened and more easily killed. The goal is to make warm saline just more concentrated than the pet’s body so it pulls fluid and kills bacteria but does not dry out the skin.

What to mix:?
1/4 teaspoon salt or Epsom salt in 1 cup (8 ounces/250 ml) of water.
Or, 1 heaping teaspoon of salt in 4 1/4 cups (33 ounce/ one liter ) of water, which is the same as 9 grams of salt per liter of water.

Does the water need to be sterile?
No, the water and the container need to be clean. If your pet has a wound that is so serious it needs sterile saline flush, either boil the water or purchase IV solution and use it to flush the wound.

What temperature of the water?
The water should be as warm as a bath. It should be comfortable for 5-10 min. It should not burn.
Keep the solution warm during the soak by covering with an oven mitt or towel.

How long to soak?
Soak for 5 -10 min.

How to soak dewclaws or nails
Either put saline solution inside a plastic bag and put the foot in the bag or tie a towel around the dewclaw or toes and keep the towel saturated. Paper towels & bandanas are great as they hold lots of water and can be tied around a leg.

 If you do it right
The wound heals, the skin granulates, the area is not painful.

 If you do it wrong
The wound or the nail remains red. It swells, has an odor and may be painful. Oh Oh. The time to get help is as soon as you see any of these signs. Your vet may prescribe antibiotics and sedate your pet to clean and debride the area painlessly.

Who deserves gold stars?
You and your pet both deserve gold stars. Congratulations on being able to make & use saline solution to clean wounds and remove debris from torn nails.

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