Cbus Bloggers Lunch at Cafe Istanbul - Bexley

This past weekend I was able to grab lunch at Cafe Istanbul in Bexley with some of my fellow Columbus bloggers! A few of the lovely ladies I met in February at the Explorer's Club brunch, others were new faces. This blogging get together was organized by Lauren of A Few of My Favorite Things. We had a very long table in the cafe, which was decorated with golden vases, pink flowers and pink and gold placemats - very pretty!

It was great to see so many new faces! I had no idea Columbus has so many bloggers! Even though our blogs are about a wide range of topics, we still have a ton in common! We talked about what our individual blogs are about, changes in social media, which blogging platforms we prefer and our shared love of PicMonkey. It was fun 'talking shop' and sharing ideas! I have so many new blogs to read! I will be updating my Blog Love page soon!

Our lunch was served family style, which gave everyone a chance to try a lot of different dishes. I took photos of the food near my spot at the table, but I didn't try everything pictured because it wasn't all gluten-free. Everything I did eat was delicious! I especially enjoyed the coffee (it really should be in its own food group) and the stuffed grape leaves! 

Cafe Istanbul on Urbanspoon

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