GF Review: Rudi's Spinach Tortillas + Multigrain Bread

Rudi's Gluten-Free Bakery* is a gluten-free food company with a nice selection of products: sandwich bread, tortillas and wraps, ciabatta rolls, cherry almond bars, pizza crust, buns, rolls and stuffing! I recently received two coupons from Rudi's in order to review their products for my blog. I chose the Spinach Tortillas and Multigrain Bread to review (I'm still waiting for our local grocery store to carry the ciabatta rolls - they look delicious!). 

*Make sure when you buy a product from Rudi's that it is from their gluten-free product line, as they do have an organic bakery with wheat products. 

I love Rudi's Multigrain Sandwich Bread! Commercially baked gluten-free bread tends to be on the small side and this is the largest loaf of gluten-free bread that I've been able to find in our area. This bread is soy, dairy, nut and high fructose free (it's also virtually hole free, unlike a few other brands - so you get the most gluten-free bang for your buck!). I love the whole millet and sunflower seeds in the bread, it gives it a little crunch and a nice texture. The honey and molasses give the bread a nice sweet flavor. 

I love using this bread for toast and sandwiches. It's perfect! So perfect that's all I've used it for! I'm sure it would make excellent French toast... I'll have to remember that for my next loaf!

For gluten-free tortillas, we normally use the small white corn tortillas found in the International Aisle of the grocery. We could never find anything larger than a 4-5 inch diameter tortilla for years. Kenneth and I were both really excited when companies started making large gluten-free tortillas! Time for burritos and big quesadillas!

Rudi's Spinach Tortillas are delicious! The spinach gives the tortilla a very unique flavor, without having an overbearing spinach taste (you can see the flecks of spinach in the tortilla!). Like Rudi's Multigrain Bread, these tortillas are soy, dairy, nut and high fructose free. They are also full of seven different gluten-free flours: teff, sorghum, millet, brown rice, quinoa, corn and amaranth. 

We used the tortillas to make burritos and quesadillas. The tortilla held all of our refried beans, cheese and guacamole really well without ripping and toasted up nicely when we baked our quesadillas in the oven. I was really impressed with these tortillas and excited to use them in more recipes... until I realised that Kenneth finished the bag one day while I was at work and he had gotten home early. You know a gluten-free product is good when the non-gluten-free member of your family doesn't want to share them with you! I think I'll have him buy me some more, we still haven't tried the Plain or Fiesta Tortillas!

Author's Note: I was given coupons for two free Rudi's Gluten-Free Bakery products of my choice in order to review them for my blog. I was not compensated for this review. My opinions are my own. If you would like a review of your company's products or services to appear on Cbus52, please click here for more information.

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