Original Tabby Mom

original Tabby mom feral cat
She's been around for quite awhile, this tabby girl. Original Tabby mom is the mother cat that you see up there in the top bar with kittens. I just happened to get a photo of her again, and since last week we featured the white kitten on the upper right bar, I thought this was as good a time as any to show original tabby mom.:)

It's yet another blast from the past, so to speak. And speaking of which; you may not remember a post from a few years ago where I met a man (Caleb) traveling with his cat on a bicycle. That was a very interesting story! Well, day before yesterday, I finally heard from him. Apparently he found my Caleb and Marilyn post, and wanted to get in touch...which was great because I often wondered what happened to him.

So, Caleb tells me he's written a book about his travels with Marilyn the cat, and that sounded interesting. If you'd like to look into it further he has a web page for his book and a kickstarter campaign to fund it. I haven't seen the book yet but if it has a lot of Marilyn in it, it might be fun. Based on the video card for the book, it sounds like it might have a religious theme to it. Anyway, I hope it works out, and thank you for getting in touch, Caleb.


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