Feral Cats Eat Pizza

So what happened was, Bob and Judy went to lunch at one of the Tillamook pizza places. Maybe Pizza Hut? Not sure.... so anyway, there was leftover pizza, which Bob insisted Judy bring home to me.  Which is very sweet. This was beef pizza, though, and I don't eat meat. I also don't like to waste food. What to do?

Well, beef is beef, maybe the feral cats would like to try it? Who knows?  Turns out, yes. Beef, cheese, whatever. Feral cats are always hungry.

It was rather popular, actually. I was surprised. Now, of course, they didn't eat ALL of the pizza. The crust, for instance... but raccoons and possums showed up later to take care of that. So all in all, it was a successful experiment and nothing went to waste.


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