The Battle for the Internet Overturning Net Neutrality

The Battle for the Internet

Overturning Net Neutrality
By: Joel Godden
                Although you might not be familiar with the term net neutrality, it plays a very large role in over everyday lives.  Net neutrality states that broadband network providers should be completely detached from the information that is sent over their networks. Basically what they are saying is that internet providers aren’t allowed to slow internet speeds from some web sites and raise them for others; however, the U.S. Supreme Court moved the American Economy closer free market side of our mixed economy, they did this by take a laissez faire approach and removing the government regulation from internet providers such as Comcast, Time warner Cable, and AT&T.

                This ruling works in favor of the already large internet providers and gives them too much power. The network providers want a “tiered internet” where people would have to pay more for a faster connection and those who cannot pay will be left behind with the slowest internet connection. Below is a picture of how the tiered system would work.

As you can see from the image, without net neutrality internet providers would be allowed to charge what they wanted for services such as, google, Netflix, and Skype. Although the abolishment of net neutrality moves us closer to a free market it is not a good thing. According to Adam Smith, the government plays a key role in making sure the economy remains balanced. Removing net neutrality has allowed the power to shift from the house holds to the firms. Companies that already make large sums of money will now be able to take more money out of the hands of spenders.

                Some may argue that a free market is the base of our country; however, the real base of our country is the constitution and bill of rights. And within the bill of rights we are guaranteed the right to free speech. The abolishment is a clear violation of that right. It limits what we can access and impedes on our fundamental rights. It allows the companies to block content and speech from the user. Whether it’s a website they don’t like or an app the directly competes with one of their own. Not only that but it also has many negative externalities for smaller websites or future startups. After all, how will smaller companies be able to compete with large companies on an internet where you have to pay for a faster connection? Another problem that will occur without net neutrality is “double dipping”. Companies are being paid for internet access and now they want to be paid for what you do while you’re on the internet.

                We are in an age where technology has become a part of our everyday lives. Computers are used almost, if not, every day. Now companies what to use this fact to make even more money. The loss of net neutrality will be felt in a lot of different places. The abolishment will also stifle advance and progress.

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