Meet Max and Cisco, the Cats of August!

Max and Cisco

Ages:  I’m Max, the cream colored one, and I am going to be two on Thanksgiving.  And the black and silver cat is my brother Cisco, and he just turned one.

Weight:  We are big boys and we are still growing and filling out!  We seem to get a little heavier each time we visit the vet. Cisco is 9.45 pounds and Max is 12.65 pounds, which are good weights for them.

Demeanor at vet:  Going to the vet is no problem for us!  Everyone is so nice and we feel very at home. We are not shy!!  At home we even greet all our visitors at the door!

How we found our home:
In our case, our owners found us.  We came from a breeder who breeds American Shorthairs.  We are half brothers, our Dad came in 3rd place in some National Cat Show.   Our sweet personality and good looks makes even anti-feline lovers LOVE us!!  We have Mom, Dad and the kids eating out of our hands (paws)!  We pretty much run this house!  We sleep on the table, or the kitchen counter, on the window sill, on the couch, but we prefer to be snuggled up to whoever is lucky enough to have us!  Mom tried to train us to stay of the kitchen counter…ha! We showed her!! 


Favorite Toys:
The kids! Grace, Michael and Dylan are young like us, and we love playing with them.  The kids carry us around and even put clothes on us…we don’t mind!  Cisco even likes sleeping with Michael on the top bunk of his bed each night!  We are young, so we still love to play and wrestle together, and we love cat nip!!  I like to take car rides, sometimes going to pick the kids up at school or for a quick drive-thru trip, anytime Mom doesn’t have to get out of the car and leave me alone.  I like to cuddle in the passenger seat especially in the winter when the heated seats are on.

Food and Treats:
We like to eat!!  We eat both wet and dry food, and we get cat treats!  We beg (and usually get) chicken when Mom makes it!!  Sometimes Daddy sneaks us treats that mom doesn’t know about!

How we got our names:
The kids named me, my full name is Maximilian Mahaney.  Dad named Cisco, he is a Network Engineer and works with Cisco Stuff and picked that name for him.

Feline Friends:  Minnie, she came into our house the same time we did.  But she’s older (4), and doesn’t like to play with us.  She lays around a lot and cuddles with Mom and Dad all the time.

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