New Recommendations For Cats With Kidney Disease

Latest research presented at the North American veterinary conference in Orlando, FL in January 2016 suggested the following two important steps for cats with kidney disease. These steps are different than those currently recommended by many veterinarians:

1.       Begin ACE inhibitors (Enalipril, benazepril) when creatinine (CR) is 1.2 rather than wait until CR is 2.4 as 75% of functioning kidney is already lost when CR is 2.4. Medicating early ensures we begin treating cats before they have advanced kidney disease.

2.       Feed high protein diets rather than low protein diets. The concept of low protein diets benefiting cats with kidney disease was based on erroneous assumptions made without research. Now, the research has been done.  Dr. Buffington showed that cats with kidney disease live longer and live better when fed high protein and fat diets. High protein and fat diets are similar to the diets used for cats with diabetes and are similar to the Atkins diet used for humans.

In addition to being healthier for cats, higher protein diets taste better than low protein diets and cats with kidney disease, who often have poor appetites, are more eager to eat them.


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